
softball, wine, bowling, patron with Roseanne Barr's daughter

Friday was the last softball game of the season...and i played like crap so i don't really want to talk about it.

Saturday...B and i had some much desired quality time with some wine and lunch at an awesome restaurant. In fact - next to Firefly and Blue Gourmet, i would say it could possibly be my new favorite place. you did good :)

Saturday night we went bowling with some friends of ours....B claims to 'usually' bowl a 150 (ahem). After bowling, and several pitchers, we went to the bar in the middle of Red Rock Casino. A girl asked us to join her and two of her friends and celebrate their new engagement...they had already bought a bottle of patron and needed some help finishing it. After about an hour of hanging out -we find out that the girl that just got engaged was Roseanne Barr's daughter!!

Sunday was spent recovering - a pedicure with Alison, and dinner with my parents. Anddd....B and I watched Super Bad with them....ya, that was interesting and only slightly awkward :)


Sometimes we are in our own little bubble.....

I think it is really hard for a lot of Americans to relate to the economic, religious, political despair that goes on in other countries. And that is sad....

For instance, this story from the New York Times today.

....Saint Louis Meriska’s children ate two spoonfuls of rice apiece as their only meal recently and then went without any food the following day. His eyes downcast, his own stomach empty, the unemployed father said forlornly, “They look at me and say, ‘Papa, I’m hungry,’ and I have to look away. It’s humiliating and it makes you angry.”.....

I don't think that 99% of Americans can relate to this. Granted, we have our own issues with the homeless and the hungry, but read the whole story...and you will see that there are people in Haiti eating patties made of mud, oil and sugar.

However, Americans want it supersized, we want an all you can eat buffet for $7.99, we balk at the thought of not having enough options on the menu, we want to eat until we can't eat any more, we want to know we got our money's worth, we complain when the portion sizes are anything less than what we think we deserve......yet at the end of the day, we ARE THE statistic of obesity.

It is stories like this one that make me want to sell all that i own and teach kids in a country far far away......


The world: 2 / Jessi: 0

I am down...not down and out. Just down.

Not down by much, but down by two.

And you better believe that this girl is keeping track.

The game isn't over....but there is lot of 'coming back from behind' that better be in my future.