
5 Days

5 days and counting til the big day kids--and lucky for me, i think i will have a little friend in town (no, not the kind of friend that cheers you on, the kind that can really put a damper on a lot of things) How do i know that this "friend" will be in town?

1. i got a little emotional and leaky at IHOP...yes, that's right, i sniffled over scrambled eggs and toast. luckily susie was there to therapatize me. what was wrong? i have no idea, i just know that there is a time of the month when the tears just start flowing :) i think that the waitress def. thought i was crazy, and yes i probably was

2. i am really really hungry. it is like i am feeding a tape worm. lucky for my waistline i will be running 26 miles in about 5 days.

3. all i want to do is lay in my bed

yes, that might be too much information for the kiddies in the audience, but i thought it was pertinent information for the day.

my friend tyrell got engaged last night...they are dropping like flies, and i don't like it....but i am def. super happy for her--in fact, i am so happy, that i am taking her as my date to a holiday party and gala this thursday.

the funny thing about that last comment? i was actually going to take a boy--but really, in the past week i have learned that my friends are more dependable, caring, and loyal than any boys :) actually, i already knew that, i just am learning it more and more every day lately.

i am out like hyper-colored t-shirts


se said...

first things first, i LOVE the name change for the blog. great choice ;)

second - boo to the friend, but yay for the marathon and tyrell. and boo to that stupid boy. lets chat later, k? fab

DB said...

hyper-colored t-shits rock my world!

Emilie said...

Don't worry, friend, you won't have to worry about this girl leaving the single girls group anytime soon! Besides, who wants to be married? You can't flirt, you can't talk about other guys, you can't do weird things like bring Vaseline to bed....
Single girls unite!
Good luck tomorrow!