Rachel got her own post because she stinkin' spent time designing my blog - and I was ever so grateful.
This is my friend Courtney. We are in Ireland in this photo.

Here are the top 5 reasons that I love Courtney (notice, it is only the TOP 5, it isn't the ONLY 5, ahem).
1. Courtney is my cerebrum (yes I had to look that up) My long-term memory is almost non-existent. For what I lack in long-term memory, Courtney makes up for me ten fold. Courtney remembers EVERYthing - and what is pretty amazing is that not only does she remember everything in her own life, but she helps me to remember everything from MY high-school years as well. There are many times when someone will be talking about a story from high school, and I will have to turn to Courtney and ask her if I was there. Its awesome.
2. She is a great traveling buddy. We planned a Europe extravaganza after college graduation, and it was fabulous. (yes, I do remember how fabulous it was, thank you)
3. She loves photography and takes awesome pictures of her nephews that I stalk on facebook and her sister's blog.
4. She makes the best gooey bars in the world.
5. She is very very sincere and genuine. And perhaps those are the most fabulous qualities that you can have in a friend....
This is my friend Stina, here we are, after enjoying a fabulous dessert at a restaurant in Siena, Italy.

Top 5 reasons I love Christina -
1. Even though we went to high school together, we didn't start really hanging out until college. I can remember (shockingly) running into Christina at the dorm when I moved in freshman year, and I can distinctly remember the sense of relief I had after seeing a familiar face in a very very overwhelming environment.
2. I would like to give myself credit for getting Christina drunk for the first time in her life. Oh smirnoff ice, you were so good to us.
3. Christina is VERY tall and lets us call her Godzilla. She also introduced me to my Mint M&M obsession over the holidays. Ok, those are unrelated....
4. She was so generous to Brad and me when we went to visit her and Bob in Cayman. She was such a great tour guide, and gave us the best vacation experience two people could ask for.
5. I think that I changed the most during my college years, and Christina was there by my side the whole time. She always makes me laugh, and I love her dearly.