

Name: Brooklyn
Birthday: January 15, 2010
Weight: pudgy puppy
Length: small enough to curl up on your lap
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Rachel said...

Aw... she is so cute!!! I do she inspires you to blog often. Dogs are the best. Unless you count babies.

Rachel said...

She is so cute! Now you have more to blog about. Doggies are the best... unless you count babies.

Rachel said...

Hey, how about I comment a million times until I realize that isn't showing up until you approve it?

You don't need to approve the last two. I'm dumb.

VL - victoriaINkansas said...

I will be there by the end of the week to play with your puppy. Hope you don't mind!

Hillary said...

Congrats mommy! She's a cutie.

Unknown said...

Did you name her Brooklyn after your new pal and swim suit model? :)